A bill (AB 2223) that would radically expand abortion and even legalize the killing of babies born alive during abortion is sitting on the Governor’s desk RIGHT NOW.

AB 2223 passed the California legislature and was moved to the Governor’s desk on Monday evening. He has not yet signed it. See below for how to take action TODAY!

Here are some of the provisions of AB 2223, which allows infanticide in certain cases:

  1. AB 2223 will remove the requirement that coroners investigate the deaths of babies born alive after 20 weeks’ gestation following a self-induced or criminal abortion.
  1. If a coroner chooses to investigate, AB 2223 will prohibit using a coroner’s report to prosecute any person.
  1. AB 2223 creates a right to self-induced, DIY abortion throughout pregnancy. This right extends to anyone assisting in the abortion.
  1. AB 2223 will prohibit a woman or her assistant from being subject to any civil or criminal liability for any “pregnancy outcome,” including abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, or perinatal death due to causes that occur in utero.
  1. The perinatal period is defined by the California Legislative Analyst as up to one month after birth.
  1. A cause that occurs in utero may include excessive drug or alcohol use during pregnancy – or an attempted abortion – that results in a baby’s death up to one month after the baby is born.
  1. AB 2223 will impose draconian legal penalties on law enforcement officers or prosecutors who interfere with a woman’s “rights” under the bill.
  1. A prosecutor who chooses to file criminal charges against a woman – or her assistant – who kills a fully-developed child born alive during a self-induced abortion will face a minimum of $25,000 in legal damages, along with exorbitant punitive damages.

Regardless of where you live, please contact the Governor’s office TODAY to urge him to VETO AB 2223!

Call the Governor’s office: (916) 445-2841 

CLICK HERE to email the Governor. Select AB02223\Reproductive Health from the drop-down menu as your subject. Select “Have Comment” next to “Purpose of Communication” and click Continue. Select “Con” next to position.

Here is a sample comment:

I urge you to VOTE NO on AB 2223. This is an extremist bill that is dangerous to women and children. AB 2223 will remove ALL civil and criminal penalties for any pregnancy outcome, including perinatal death for a cause “occurring in utero” – up to one month after birth. It penalizes any state actor who seeks to investigate or prosecute the killing of a child born alive following a failed abortion.

AB 2223 also creates a right to self-induced abortion throughout pregnancy. Abortion pills and other abortifacients can cause extensive physical harm and even death to women who take them, especially after the first trimester of pregnancy.

Again, I urge you to VETO this unprecedented, unnecessary, and irresponsible bill.


  1. Pingback: Eliminating babies, cancelling women, what’s next? – LIFE LEGAL DEFENSE FOUNDATION

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